“But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purges himself from these, he shall be a vessel to honour, sanctified and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared to every good work. 2 Timothy 2:20, 21.
God delights in human vessels. Nothing happens until man partners with God. It is one thing to be blessed and endowed by God; it is another to be available. God’s call is only relevant to response, acceptability and availability.
Through the ages of man’s existence, God’s delight has been in human instrument.
Man is God’s container in actualizing His plan and purpose in life. Running away from God’s purpose for you is cowardice; When God’s people step down in the face of challenges, God seeks for another, and until He finds a worthy vessel, He may never show His Almightiness.
When there is no man available for the demonstration of God’s ability there may be a rise in evil over good.
Hear me!
When there is no one to prove God’s omnipotence, evil and evil men celebrate. Darkness is darker in the absence of light. The devil rejoices when we refuse to be a channel of good work, to this therefore, the devil will do everything and anything possible to stop you from being available and qualified for the Master’s use.
The challenges of the now are preparations and schooling for greater heights and post. Whatever you are seeing now are only steering the heaven vessel for glory and glow; for when we make ourselves available, heaven will launch us.
Sometimes it may look like heaven is silent or locked. No heaven is truly locked or closed; it is the man under the heaven that actually determines the state of his heaven. Most heaven seems silent because most men under such heaven have refused to speak and act. Is your marital heaven, academic heaven, spiritual heaven seems locked?
That which you seek is right within you. Until you step out, you may never step up. In 1 Kings 18:20-40, we discovered that Israel was in a state of apostasy, every man went after his own god and will. Baalism took over the worship of Jehovah. At this stage in Israel’s history great men went into oblivion. The men who were supposed to challenge the negative change ran away and went into hiding. God kept quiet and watched, until one fearless prophet stepped out; until then heaven could not step down. Heaven is waiting for us to step out so that He can step down.
When God steps down, changes take place, peace flows afresh. In this world of the reign of terror and fear, we need the Lord to step down. However, God waits for men to call down fire, men to divide the Red Sea, men to do the seemingly human impossible cases, can you become that man heaven is relying upon? But thank God, He can never leave Himself without a witness today. As you step out for the Lord, may He step down for you and turn your sorrows to joy.
Pray with me
-Lord, May the hidden power within me flourish through your mercies.
-Let the force against my step up, be shut down by your grace.
-May the blood of Jesus speak for me and increase me through the merit of His grace.
-Every past holding me back from fulfilling Divine mandate let them expire by fire in Jesus Christ name, Amen.
-LORD, arise on my behalf; every evil verdict stopping your plan and programme, may your finger reverse it NOW! In Jesus Christ name.
-Every evil instrument against my divine mandate, melt like wax before the fire in the name of Jesus Christ Amen, Amen and Amen
By Ven. Stephen Wolemonwu
Rector, Ibru Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor